N95 Masks are now available at the Northern Lights Wellness Center for all community members. Please stop by the NL Front Office to pick up. N95 Masks have been donated by the TAT KDU.
AnĀ N95 respiratorĀ is a respiratory protective device designed to achieve a very close facial fit and very efficient filtration of airborne particles. Note that the edges of the respirator are designed to form a seal around the nose and mouth. Surgical N95 Respirators are commonly used in healthcare settings and are a subset of N95 Filtering Facepiece Respirators (FFRs), often referred to as N95s.
For more information about N95 Masks and facial coverings, please visit https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/personal-protective-equipment-infection-control/n95-respirators-surgical-masks-face-masks-and-barrier-face-coverings