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National Child Obesity Awareness Month: How to Improve, Manage Your Youth’s Health

National Child Obesity Awareness Month: How to Improve, Manage Your Youth's Health

We’re fully into September. Although that might seem hard to believe, it’s time to discuss some more great opportunities within it! That being said, let us welcome you to the discussion of National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month. This month is a chance for all of us to learn more about a serious health condition affecting nearly 19 percent of our youth. 

About 1 in 5 children in the United States struggle with being overweight. While there is no simple solution, there are a great deal of resources available–along with tips and tricks–to get the health of your adolescent in check. If not, children with obesity are at a higher risk for developing asthma, sleep apnea, bone and joint problems plus type 2 diabetes. They are also more likely to have obesity as adults. This can lead to heart disease and many types of cancers. 

Parents and caregivers can help prevent obesity by:

  • Providing nutritious, lower-calorie foods such as fruits and vegetables in place of those high in added sugars and fats
  • Making sure water is always available as a no-calorie alternative to sugary drinks or juice
  • Helping children get the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity each day
  • Having routine sleep habits each day

And–finally–being a role model. 

Children are always watching everything we do and unknowingly taking notes on what they see us doing. So, the next time you’re hungry and need a quick bite to eat during the day, consider a more healthier approach like granola bars, cheese sticks or fruits. And the next time you’re about to start your daily workout routine, include them! Consider reading our article on working out with your kids to get some ideas on successfully including them. 

Starting your children on a health kick while they are young is setting them up for success in the future. 

Native Reach content is for entertainment purposes only and is not intended to substitute any medical information nor be treated as official guidelines. Please be sure to check local and national resources and/or the opinions of medical professionals when making life decisions. Native Reach is not responsible for content to third party links.

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