North Segment

Public Health Notice

Issued June 26, 2020 

The MHA COVID-19 Task Force, Elbowoods Memorial Health Center, Chair-man Fox and Tribal Business Council officially inform the public: 

There has been a new case of infection with the COVID-19 virus. There is a potential for community spread since the individual attended a large local public event the weekend of June 20, 2020 and dined at a local restaurant. Contact tracing is underway and those directly exposed to the individual will be notified and tested. Again, indirect exposure is considered a strong possibility. 

The MHA COVID-19 Task Force has been working closely with Chairman Fox and the Tribal Business Council as well as with state and other health partners, to re-spond to this case/possible community spread. Response to any case of the virus is immediate and comprehensive.

For more information about COVID-19 please go to the MHA COVID-19 Task Force Facebook page as well as the MHA Nation’s tribal website. If you have concerns of possibly having the virus call Elbowoods Clinic at 701-627-7641.

Researchers say anywhere from 25 percent to 80 percent of people with COVID-19 are unaware they have the virus. Often patients show no symp-toms for the first few days; and still others with the virus will carry it and never show any symptoms. This allows the COVID-19 virus to spread rapidly throughout a community. 

Experts say these carriers without symptoms make it even more important for people to wear face masks in public. The CDC says up to 85% of cases can be prevented if everyone wears a mask in public. 

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