North Segment

Ways to Spread Kindness: Tip 4

Ways to Spread Kindness During COVID-19

Focusing on what you can do for others matters, but it’s just as important to not forget about yourself and your own needs. Here are a few resources and thoughts on how you can stay busy during stay-at-home orders:

  • Stay connected: While you may be socially distancing physically, there are still options available to stay connected with friends and family. Try a virtual game night over FaceTime or Zoom.
  • Stream live concerts: Many artists are performing free live shows through Instagram and Facebook. Though it may not be the same thing as seeing your favorite band in-person, it’s better than not experiencing them at all.
  • Learn something new: Taking on a new skill is a great way to exercise the brain. There are endless online tutorials you can take advantage of to develop a new talent or ability. Do you have an old guitar sitting in the attic? Now is your time to pick it up. Have you always wanted to learn a new language? Now’s a perfect time to give that a shot.
  • Redesign your room: Your environment and constant surroundings should be your happy place. If they’re currently feeling lackluster, consider rearranging furniture or adding some art to your walls.  
  • Get some fresh air: It’s no secret that getting outside is good for one’s physical and mental health. Whether you go to the park or go for a walk, getting out of the house and into fresh air will do wonders.

Keep updated with North Segment this week for more ways to spread kindness!

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